Recreational Fire Guidelines

The following information and guidelines are for persons wanting to ignite a recreational fire which includes; campfire, cooking, religious or ceremonial fire within unincorporated areas of El Paso County, specifically within the Black Forest area.

Stage 1 and stage 2 Recreational Burn Guideline Reference Sheet

The County Ordinance relating to open burning is 21-001 with the link to the ordinance below.

Fire Pit Burn Requirements:

  • The pit must be a constructed or improved pit with fire prevention measures in place, i.e., good water source (hose, bucket of water or extinguisher) at the pit for any embers or if the fire breaches containment.
  • Area around the pit must be mowed to a 10-ft. diameter around the pit to reduced ignitable vegetation.
  • The total fuel area can be no more than 3 feet in diameter and no greater than 2 feet high. Persons lighting fires must not burn rubbish, vegetation, slash or construction materials within the fire pit. The pit must be attended at all times while ignited by a responsible party.
  • Pits must be no closer than 25 feet from a structure or fence line. Persons lighting any of the above fires must notify the fire department prior to lighting to ensure no fire bans are in place and the weather conditions are suitable for open fires.
  • Conditions that would prohibit any of the above fires are; Red flag day, fire bans are in place, Very High or Extreme fire danger conditions, sustained winds of greater than 10 MPH.

Black Forest Fire Rescue non-emergent number 719-495-4300

El Paso County Sheriff’s Office non-emergent line 719-390-5555

These Guidelines are for your safety and the safety of our neighbors. Black Forest Fire Rescue wants to thank you for your cooperation in following these guidelines. If you have any questions about these guidelines or any other fire question, please contact us at the number listed above.

The EPSO has a lot of valuable information and the link below will take you the fire information page.